The "gem" of TAP events locally, Titleholders provides teams an opportunity to compete with other teams outside their division. Titleholders are offered for a variety of reasons bragging rights, cash, awards and advancement are some. Qualifications and tournament formats are determined by your local TAP owner. By allowing flexibility your TAP owner can create a Titleholders atmosphere that's successful in your area.
Ex. Players play a 16 week session in a division. At the end of the session the teams finishing in 1st, 2, & 3rd in each division will advance to the Titleholders (4th will also advance in divisions of 10 or more). Titleholders will be 3 tournaments, all 1st place teams in an "A" Bracket Tournament, all 2nd place teams in a "B" Bracket board, and 3rd & 4th place teams on a "C" Bracket board. Winners of each board will win cash & awards.
Payouts are determined by the number of teams and the number of weeks in a session. Ask your local TAP owner for the format & prize fund structure for your local Titleholders. TAP is a very flexible national organization and we realize that what works in one part of the USA or Canada might not work in another area so Titleholders and national qualifier formats may vary.
Territories may choose to combine their resources and offer a Titleholders of greater value. This is generally done to assist smaller territories who otherwise couldn't hold a Titleholders. Big or small, a Titleholders event is always fun & entertaining, offering members a level of play above the weekly experience.
Check with your local TAP official to learn what formats & winnings a Titleholders offers you.